IT Solutions Architect | Entrepreneur



I was born, raised in Mumbai, India. I hold Bachelor of Science and a Master of Business Administration. I have worked in Media, IT, Retail, Telecom, and Energy domains and gained experience since 2003

From the age of 16, i developed a hobby to learn and assemble electronics gadjets from scratch during my school vacations. I saw a huge demand for the gadjets which i assembled, so i started selling to shops and customers. Similarly the demand for IT services and need of pocket friendly softwares in the market (for small and mid range enterprises) sparked my interest in learning and developing smart software products for freelance. I also learnt 3D animation and started doing projects for small agencies around Mumbai. After the internet was commonly available, i could get international customers and earn my side income, thus enterpreneur in me was born

I am a developer who like to hear and see the horizon of possibilities to provide solution for any business. I work with OpenSource, share knowledge and architect solutions to achieve the desired. I am open to teamwork, lead teams, both offline/onsite and take independent assignments as well. I document and diagram as much possible to avoid confusion and provide ease of accessibility for anybody. I welcome new thoughts and ideas, not a hierachy driven but priority driven with well balanced and organized work life.

I am looking for opportunities to lead the technological vision of the business, to bridge the gaps, analyze the business trends and steer the objectives with next gen eco-system and partner with likeminded individuals, collaborate with them and grow together

I spend most of my time with my family, besides work and family i find time to travel, cook new dishes, watch movies, build new gadjets, learn new technologies (currently AI), gardening, playing all kind of sports, etc

Tech Stacks

  • Languages

    C/C++, Python, Java, Javascript, Typescript, PHP, Ruby, Golang
  • Frameworks

    Laravel, Django, FastAPI, NodeJs, Angular, React, VueJs, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Rails, Gin
  • Mobile App Development

    Android, Android SDK, Flutter & Dart
  • Database

    MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, GraphQL, CouchDB
  • Cloud

    Docker, Kubernates, Openshift, AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Digital Ocean
  • Others

    Terminal Bash, Shell scripting, Powershell, Ansible, Chef, Puppet, RabbitMQ, Kafka, Maven, Ant, Nginx, Apache, Tomcat
  • Game & Interactive Development

    Unity, Unreal, ThreeJs, WebGL, Babylon, PhazerJs, WebAR, Vuforia
  • 3D & Design

    Blender, Figma, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe XD, Houdini, Substance, Davinci Resolve, Nuke